Juhani PĆ¼ttsepp

Juhani PĆ¼ttsepp (1964) was born to a family of doctors in Tartu. He graduated from a special physics- and mathematics focus class at Tartu Middle School Nr. 1, acquired a degree in biology from the University of Tartu, and worked as a plant expert at the Institute of Zoology and Botany as well as at the University of Tartu. PĆ¼ttsepp has directed the Tartu Childrenā€™s Theatre and edited newspapers MaaĆ¼likool and Roheline VƤrav and magazines Eesti Loodus and LoodusesƵber. He has also been a journalist for Estonian newspapers Postimees and Eesti Ekspress. Additionally, he has made documentary films and composed summary books (such as Tartu Ɯlikool 375). PĆ¼ttsepp has been Director of the Estonian University of Life Sciencesā€™ School of Natural Sciences since 2004. He has five children.

PĆ¼ttsepp has written works of popular-science and storybooks for children of many ages, although a number of his works can be classified as ā€œbooks for the whole familyā€ in the very best sense (Madonna the Board, Rooms Full of Dollsā€™ Stories, 49 Years Old, The Man Who Touched a Moose, etc.). His most treasured topics include nature, human attitudes towards the environment, the endurance of (local) culture, and the progression of generations. The authorā€™s unique style weaves reality with fairy tale, and he always treats his characters with empathy.





Annual Childrenā€™s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (The Moon is Like a Golden Boat)
Good Children's Book (The Moon is Like a Golden Boat)
Raisin of the Year Award (The Moon is Like a Golden Boat)


Childrenā€™s Story Competition ā€œMy First Bookā€, 3rd place (The Moon is Like a Golden Boat)


Clear Message Award (I Am My Own)


IBBY Honour List (The Society of Gibraltar Ship Dogs)
Nominee of the Tartu Prize for Childrenā€™s Literature (Childhood Prize) (The Society of Gibraltar Ship Dogs)
Good Childrenā€™s Book (The Black Birds)


Nominee of the Annual Childrenā€™s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (The Society of Gibraltar Ship Dogs)
Good Childrenā€™s Book (The Society of Gibraltar Ship Dogs)
Nominee of the Tartu Prize for Childrenā€™s Literature (Childhood Prize) (Sliding Stories)


Childrenā€™s Story Competition ā€œMy First Bookā€, 1st place (The Society of Gibraltar Ship Dogs)


The Knee-High Book Competition, 1st-2nd place (Stories of a Small Wolf)

Contact info

Concerning copyrights, please contact:
+372 617 7238