PhD from Helsinki University on 1988, PhD 1991. Main focus: Fenno-ugrian languages, side focus: Finnish literature, Finnish, folkart and art history.
Worked as an editor for Karjala-lehti (1985-88) and editor in chief for the same paper (1988-91), freelance editor and translator into Finnish as well as Estonian teacher (1991ā2007), project coordinator and secretary for Karelian Union East Karelia part (1997ā2002), Finniah language and literature teacher (2002-2020).
2012Agricola-palkintoFor Ene Mihkelson's "Ruttohauta"
2008Maarjamaa Risti IV klassi teenetemƤrk2006Kaakkois-Suomen taidepalkinto2004KƤƤntƤjien valtionpalkintoFor Jaan Kross' "Uppiniskaisuuden kronikka" together with Jouko Vanhanen
2003Kirjallisuuden Karjala-palkinto