Birgita Bonde Hansen

Birgita Bonde Hansen (1977) is a Danish literary translator of Finnish and Estonian literature. Hansen has translated some 60 works of fiction including a dozen plays. Originally from Denmark, she spent a year as an exchange student in Estonia in 1993-94, returned to Tallinn as a translator in 2012, and currently resides in Northern Finland.

I have only translated few books for children, but find some of the same playfulness in it as when translating drama. In some ways it also resembles the challenges you face when texting film and TV ā€“ you have to use your imagination and come up with light and straightforward solutions. Unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of translating Estonian childrenā€™s literature yet, but as the authors of Estonian childrenā€™s literature are just as inspiring and imaginary as the adult authors, I am looking forward to it.


2019 The Letterstedt Nordic translation prize
2018 Finnish State Award for Foreign Translators
2018 Kjeld Elfelts Mindelegat (The Blixen Prize for translators)
2018 Nominee for the Cultural Endowment of Estoniaā€™s Award for Translated Literature (The Bees (The Willow King), Pobeda 1946)
2016 Nominee for the Cultural Endowment of Estoniaā€™s Award for Translated Literature (Treading Air)
2015 Nominee for the Cultural Endowment of Estoniaā€™s Award for Translated Literature (The Man Who Spoke Snakish, The Reconstruction)

Currently translating

Kristiina Kass. Samuel's Magic Pillow


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