Karel Korp

Karel Korp (1967) graduated in art education and drawing from the Tallinn Pedagogical Institute in 1993. He is a head of the Estonian Graphic Designersā€™ Association and the member of the board for it's creative committee. Since 1997 Korp is an owner of the graphic design company Disainikorp. In addition to illustrating childrenā€™s books, Karel Korp has created illustrations for Eesti Pank, the Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority, the Chancellor of Justice, the Estonian Employerā€™s Confederation, the Estonian Cooperation Assembly, and many other organizations and companies.

I was born into a family of journalists and as far as I know, none of my other relatives are artists, so I formed and developed independently. Creatively, I have a restless spirit and for a long time I have tested and experimented with different styles and techniques. At one point I was fascinated by the endless possibilities of computer graphics. Now, however, I have come back to paint and brush because the sensation provided by crafts cannot be achieved with computer programs. Looking at my current pictures, I feel like I have finally arrived home. The inner critic of my work has mellowed and I know what I aim for.
The background in journalism has helped me to author or co-create the concept of three award-winning childrenā€™s books. For example, in
We Spook! We Haunt! pictures were finished before Leelo Tungal wrote stories to them, later the book received the Annual Childrenā€™s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Profile photo: Piia Ruber

Illustrated books


25 Best Designed Estonian Books, Certificate of Merit (Jaak Urmet.Ā From Hurt to PƤrn.)

The Nukits Competition, 1st place (Leelo Tungal. Ā "Tema amet" [Their Occupation].)

The Annual Childrenā€™s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Leelo Tungal We Spook! We Haunt!)


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