A Ghost and Porridge
Everything is possible in Markus Saksatamm's stories. An alien goes to day-care, the child of a sea monster finds a common language with a peer playing on the beach, a bear embodying a starling growls out the beginning of springtime, a naughty wolf gulps down a goat together with a grandfather clock, a red hand becomes a little girl's pet. A tooth receives a grand filling as an award for bravery, a freshly-received bump gets its owner to do foolish, life-endangering things. A pig becomes a cowboy, a robot a schoolteacher, and Linda Johanna a wizard. The child-characters are the only ones that keep their head straight in the topsy-turvy mess – taking the state of things just as it is right then.Reading Sample
2011 Nominee of the Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia